Roadmap to Resilience:
A Guide for Military, Trauma Victims and Their Families
​Donald Meichenbaum, Ph.D.
About the Author

Donald Meichenbaum, Ph.D. is one of the founders of Cognitive Behavior Therapy and in a survey of clinicians, he was voted "one of the 10 most influential psychotherapists of the 20th century." He has incorporated his 40 years of experience working with trauma victims into this Guidebook.  He is currently Research Director of the Melissa Institute for Violence Prevention and Treatment of Victims of Violence in Miami (  
For the returning veteran or anyone who has experienced a traumatic event, returning to normal living can be a challenge. Be that as it may, even after events such as natural disasters, accidents, or one of intentional human design (e.g., combat, a terrorist attack, a sexual assault, etc.), approximately 70% to 80% of individuals who are impacted, adjust successfully. These individuals demonstrate resilience, and in some instances, even posttraumatic growth. However, approximately 20% to 30% will evidence lingering clinical disorders and adjustment problems such as PTSD, anxiety, depressive and substance abuse disorders that can result in suicidal acts, aggressive behavior and divorce. 

In Roadmap to Resilience, Dr. Meichenbaum discusses the differences between adults (both military and civilians) who evidence resilience and those who have persistent difficulties adjusting following traumatic experiences. This practical, user-friendly guide provides specific "How to" ways to bolster resilience in six specific areas including Physical, Interpersonal, Emotional, Cognitive, Behavioral and Spiritual. It includes over 100 ways to develop individual and family resilience-bolstering action plans. In addition, it includes numerous narrative examples of successful coping from resilient individuals, self-improvement activities (such as “hinge” questions that open the door to possibilities), and a comprehensive Resource Guide designed to help the reader locate the exact information they need to address their situation and to help them become more resilient in each of the six domains discussed. The Guidebook highlights ways that returning service members can successfully reintegrate into civilian life and how other trauma victims can cope with loss. It will be of great assistance to help individuals and their families reintegrate and cope with the lingering effects of trauma. Clinicians will find it an invaluable resource of translating evidence-based interventions into specific guidelines for their clients.
The Book and the Author
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